Youth Activities • Actividades para los jóvenes

Contigo Youth Club is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower youth to thrive. They offer a variety of programs for our youth.
St. Anthony Teen Center
The St. Anthony Teen Center is a safe, supervised location for 9th-12th grade students to spend their out-of-school hours with peers and faithful, caring adults. Fun and enriching activities, mentoring, and academic support are available. Click here for more information.
Contigo Youth Club Afterschool
The Contigo Youth Club is an afterschool program giving K – 8th graders a local, safe, and supervised place to grow. Click here for more information.
Camp Contigo
Camp Contigo is a full-day summer camp that provides holistic summer programming, giving rising 1st-10th graders a local, safe, and supervised place to grow. Click here for more information.

Be Loved Wednesdays
Contigo Youth Club invites all children ages 6-14 to participate in Be Loved Wednesdays at St. Anthony of Padua. Contact Contigo at 571-356-9774 to register. Participants enjoy games, snacks, and time spent with Jesus in adoration! There is no cost to participate.
Contigo Youth Club invita a todos los niños de 6 a 14 años a participar en los miércoles Be Loved en San Antonio de Padua. Comuníquese con Contigo al 571-356-9774 para registrarse. ¡Los participantes disfrutan de juegos, refrigerios y tiempo dedicado a Jesús en adoración! No hay ningún costo para participar.