Saint Anthony of Padua Haiti Committee

In 1994, our parish wanted to establish a way for our parishioners to support and stay connected with the poorest of the poor. The hope was that through this mission we would never forget the needs of the poor. We started with helping to build the school, providing funds for teacher salaries and school supplies and establishing a health clinic for the students and the community. The school at Our Lady of Nativity Parish in Gros Marin, Haiti is located on Haiti’s southern peninsula in a rural area. It is a five-hour drive from the capital of Port-au-Prince. Since the beginning of our mission, we have had many successes. The most encouraging is that the number of children attending the school has grown to 350 students, preschool through high school. Yearly, we provide funding for the teacher salaries, student books/supplies and additional funds for building repairs, desks, etc. In addition, we provide lunch (rice and beans) for the students which is usually the only meal they will have that day. Within the last 5 years we upgraded the toilet facilities and provided a structured play area at the school. The need increases due to rampant inflation.
In addition to the above, we have provided emergency funding to build temporary classrooms when the school buildings were damaged on August 14, 2021, when Haiti’s southern peninsula experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. One of the two school buildings we helped build was destroyed and the other suffered significant damage. We were able to raise funds to demolish
the first building and provide funds to repair the second. The school is now operating in the rebuilt building but still needs the temporary buildings to house all the student. We would like to fund the expansion of the school, but we do not have sufficient funds to accomplish this project. We also would like to reestablish the health clinic which was lost in Hurricane Matthew a category 4 storm in 2016.
Haitian Situation Today
- Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The typical Haitian family suffers an extremely poor quality of life. In most cases, the nearest stream that supplies drinking water is heavily polluted, since it also serves as a place to bathe, use the bathroom and wash clothes.
- Eighty out of 1,000 Haitian children never see their first birthday
- Nearly half the population cannot read
- As much as 80 percent of the population lives in abject poverty, primarily in rural areas, but also in downtrodden slums
- Extreme overpopulation has caused extenuating pressure on the land leading to barren mountainsides combined with overburdened fertile valleys.
- Health conditions are appalling, and medical services are severely inadequate. In addition, healthcare is supplied on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. Thus, a person who lacks the funding, does not receive care, often resulting in amplified symptoms, the further spread of disease and a high rate of mortality.
- The overall political situation is a disaster. There are no elected officials running the country since the assassination of Prime Minister Jovenel Moise in July, 2021. Ninety percent of the capital is run by multiple organized gangs which has increased kidnappings, sexual violence and murders. In October 2023, the United Nations Security Council approved a multinational force to assist in Haiti as the Caribbean nation contends with widespread gang violence. The 15-member council voted overwhelmingly in favor of approving a Kenya-led mission to Haiti.

Latest Update
I am sending you some photos showing the students eating their school meals, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you further as well as the donors who helped us a lot to give the students a hot meal because to learn you have to eat. There is an adage that says “A hungry belly has no ears”.
Thank you very much for the way in which you, the parishioners of Saint Anthony, have taken to heart the needs of the students of the Notre Dame de la Nativité school in Gros Marin in Haiti.
Receive my best regards,
Father Ingrid Antoine
Our Lady of Nativity Parish

How Can You Help?
First and foremost, we ask for your prayers to help all Haitians especially in Gros Marin to be blessed by God’s good graces.
Second, send us your email so we can keep you updated on the progress of the school students. Send your email to
And finally, if possible, help financially by contributing to this cause. Do your part to bring hope into the lives of 350 Haitian students. While we cannot fix all the problems in Haiti, we can certainly make the lives of the 350 student in Our Lady of Nativity school better.
You can donate by check or on-line. Please make checks payable to “St. Anthony of Padua Church” and put “Haiti School” on the memo line. Mail checks to:
Haiti Committee
C/O Pat McGee
3908 Malcolm Court
Annandale, Va 22003
Donations can also be made on-line through Faith Direct. The web address is: Please add in the note section “Haiti School Support” so it is properly credited.
Need additional information please contact Norman Hick at or Pat McGee at