Faith Formation for Children & Teens (K-12)
K-6th Grade
Sundays: 9:30-10:45am
Classes Available:
- Kindergarten Faith Formation
- First Communion (Grades 1-6) Note: First Communion preparation is two years.
- Faith Formation (Grades 3-6)
- Special Religious Development (SPRED) Program serves children and young adults with developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome, autism, and learning disabilities

7-12th Grade
Mondays: 7:00-8:15pm
Classes Available:
- Confirmation (Grades 7-12)
Note: Confirmation preparation is two years and students must have been baptized and received First Communion.
Wednesdays: 7:00-8:15pm
- Classes for students who have not received Baptism (Grades 7-12)
- Classes for students who have been baptized, but have not received First Communion (Grades 7-12)
Documents Necessary for Registration:
- Birth Certificate
- Baptism Certificate
- 1 student: $100 ($120 after July 30)
- 2 students: $160 ($200 after July 30)
- 3 or more students: $200 ($250 after July 30)
Payment plans and financial assistance is available, please contact our office at 703-820-2158.
Registration is now closed.
Questions & Answers
What are the requirements to baptize a child under the age of 7?
Please click here for more information.
My child is NOT baptized and is over the age of 7, what does my child need in order to receive the sacraments?
If a child is over the age of 7 and is not baptized, the child will need to be enrolled in Religious Education. The preparation length is three years:
After finishing two years of preparation, the child will enter into the Church as a Catechumen, receiving Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation on Easter Vigil
During the third year, the child will receive the sacrament of Penance
First Communion
When should my child begin First Communion Preparation?
A child may begin preparing for First Communion once he/she is in first grade.
How long does it take for my child to receive First Communion?
The preparation length for First Communion is two years.
Do you need a sponsor for First Communion?
No, a child does not need a sponsor for First Communion.
My child is a teen, may he attend First Communion Classes?
Yes, he/she he will be placed in a class with teens during our Confirmation session. He/she will prepare for First Communion for a total of two years. Then, it will be determined how much more time he/she needs to receive Confirmation.
When should my child begin Confirmation Preparation?
A child or teen may begin preparing for Confirmation once he/she is in seventh grade.
How long does it take for my child to receive Confirmation?
The preparation length for Confirmation is two years.
Do you need a sponsor for Confirmation?
Yes, only one sponsor is needed for Confirmation, he/she must fulfill the following requirements:
- Have the canonical legal age of 16 years.
- Having received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
- Be parishioners of St. Anthony or obtain a letter from the parish in which they attend.
- Be in constant communion with the church. This includes attending Mass on Sundays, days of obligation and receive the Holy Eucharist.
- For married Catholics: be married by the Catholic Church. For single Catholics: live a Christian life, as singles, according to the laws of God and the Catholic Church. For religious or clergy: be in good relations with the religious community or the diocese to which they belong.
- Live the commitment to Christ and the community of the Catholic Church, showing compassion and kindness to others.
- Help the godchild with prayers and a good Christian example and help him/her grow in the Catholic faith.
Adult Sacraments
Please click here for more information.